“The inDemand process generates a Win-Win outcome”
Can technology be a time-saver for healthcare professionals? Yes, it can! And this inDemand challenge is a great example. We have talked to Inma Roig, Product Manager at Costaisa, to know more about digital health and the benefits of co-creation.
This company was selected to solve a need detected by the Reina Sofía Hospital in Murcia (Spain) – «HEAT: HEAlthcare Training management platform.»
1.- Costaisa at a glance
Costaisa is a corporation specialized in the healthcare and IT sector since 1968 and offers business consultancy and outsourcing services. Our team is composed by several professional profiles on clinical and business areas, high qualified and with a vast experience on international projects.
We offer an extensive portfolio that covers the majority of the needs of information systems at any health centre, in both a clinical (HIS, telemedicine, nephrology, anatomical pathology, laboratory, blood bank, diagnosis coding and biomedical research) and non-clinical setting (ERP, ECM, quality management, interoperability, maintenance and shift management).
2.- What was the need detected by the healthcare professionals?
The Reina Sofía Hospital in Murcia and the VII area needed to improve the processes of information collection, evaluation and monitoring of the specialized health training that they were currently carrying out with office and paper-based solutions. In health training, different roles intervene and each one has obligations and responsibilities, so it was also necessary to improve the communication processes between them.
Area VII and its Reference Hospital wanted to offer their tutors, residents and other actors a standardized and accessible solution, which centralized the data collected homogeneously.
3.- How did you propose to solve it?
We proposed a specialized teaching solution developed to support the needs of the centre in the registration, monitoring and evaluating the activity of its Medical Residents, in standardized electronical forms and on a single online platform.
The actors will not have to waste time and paper, chasing other actors that have to evaluate the rotations; the system will do it for them through a notification system. Moreover, with a single click, the tutors will submit annual reports without having to search for information.
“You have to put the different end users in the center of the design, ask them, listen to them and solve their problems.”
4.- How do you feel about co-creation? Harder/easier than expected, teamwork benefits…
We have had a feeling of close collaboration with professionals who have real problems and specific needs for each role. The process has been agile and fluid when came to carry out tasks and communication between teams.
“They have brought knowledge, we have brought the technology, and we have all brought the resources, expertise and desire to create something together.”
5.- Main learnings from the inDemand process
What we have learned is that work methodologies in projects can be changed to interdepartmental agile environments, as well as improving internal structures.
“The inDemand process generates a Win-Win outcome.”
6.- What is your launch to market approach? Why has the business support received been useful?
The business support team has guided and given us the tools to implement the necessary form to our business model.
Regarding the market approach, we see a clear business opportunity in a segment that has a large bureaucratic load and little time, but at the same time lacks specific solutions. We have obtained a specific functional knowledge of the area that allows us to grow technologically through the new clients and standardize the centres through our solution.
7.- Why do you think digital transformation on healthcare pays off?
Because it has a direct impact on society and we all benefit from it.
This transformation and the technological solutions must help health professionals in their daily bases, from assistive technologies to better diagnoses or decision making, to save them bureaucratic time in order to invest it in what is really important, our health.