The inDemand Community: still can join!

Oct 04, 2018

Have you heard? 

There are 10 innovative EU regions in the inDemand Community so far. Our goal is to reach 12.

Want to join? You still on time! 


What is inDemand?

inDemand is a new European project based on a model where healthcare organisations and companies co-create eHealth solutions, with the economic support of regional funds. Regions that are interested in this model can receive free coaching.

Open call at a glance:

  • Application deadline: Open until we reach 12 members
  • Economic support: Challengers, Funders and Supporters from these 12 regions will be invited and their travel-accommodation costs will be reimbursed.
  • Who can apply? Regional consortiums with a challenger, a funder and a supporter
  • Language: Application forms can only be filled in English.
  • Evaluation criteria: Representative, Commitment, Expectations and Regional Impact

How to be part of the inDemand community? Follow the steps below:

Candidate regions are to submit the proposal in a Consortium that replicates the same constellation of stakeholders defined in the inDemand model, naming a:

  • Challenger: public entities, health care providers that identify the unmet needs and then co-create the solution with the solvers
  • Funder public: fund management organizations, managing authorities, usually managing Structural Funds at regional level. They launch the competitive call to identify the solvers.
  • Supporter:  business intermediary organizations, clusters that provide assistance to optimize the business model, access to funding and the commercialization

Click here for more details  | Interested? Then fill in the Application form


Have a look at the testimonials!

Do you want to know why the EU-funded inDemand model on eHealth co-creation is great news for healthcare professionals and organizations? Carlos Arenas, specialized in Public Health and Preventive Medicine, and Encarna Guillén, pediatrician and clinical geneticist share their opinions with you.

To read this full article highlighting the challenger’s perspective, click here: «5 essential reasons why Digital Health co-creation is a great chance for Healthcare professionals and its organizations


Interested in knowing what funders believe of inDemand? We had a brief chat with Joaquín Gómez, director of Instituto de Fomento (INFO), the funder organization from the Region of Murcia, about the importance of innovation and how to bridge the gap between healthcare professionals and startups.

Eager to find out more? If so, click here for the full interview.


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